Thursday, September 10, 2009

Bold 2009 Prediction for You

Here's my bold prediction for you in 2009!

You will break your trading resolutions by the end of February.

  • You will abandon your trading plan
  • You will fall into the same destructive trading patterns you resolved to change
  • Your account will earn the same or less than in 2008
I know this this sounds harsh, but statistically speaking, that's what will happen to most traders. So, are you going to let this happen to you?

True, statistics cover populations and not individual traders. The fact is, its traders who are outside of th enorm and trade with focused discipline that really achieve their financial goals. When is now the time to re-focus with discipline and dedication and really commit yourself to your trading plan?

Today is January 15, 2009 and February is just around the corner.

Let this be your wake-up call!

Be honest with yourself and focus with the discipline of a seasoned trader on staying true to your trading plan or risk becoming a statistic!

Happy "Disciplined" Trading!!